During the summer I taught sewing to 3 girls. Hannah saw how much fun we were having and decided that she would like to sew as well. In September, she sewed a few things all by herself, such as a little 4 patch "blanket" and a beef jerky holder for her brothers. While she was sewing she asked me "Am I the first 5 year old sewer?" Of course I said yes, because I don't know of any other 5 years olds who can sew.
She decided she wanted to do more, and seriously, I was thrilled! We went to the fabric store and she picked out a few patterns that were "easy" level. Then she saw this simplicity pattern that I had made a few animals from. She decided that she wanted to make the giraffe.
She picked out some scrap fabric that I had, and she ended up with LaLa (that's her giraffe's name). I cut LaLa out of the fabric, but Hannah did all the machine sewing with lots some guiding of her fingers by me. Hannah and I both stuffed LaLa, and I hand stitched her up.
I think LaLa turned out SUPER cute!