During the summer I taught sewing to 3 girls. Hannah saw how much fun we were having and decided that she would like to sew as well. In September, she sewed a few things all by herself, such as a little 4 patch "blanket" and a beef jerky holder for her brothers. While she was sewing she asked me "Am I the first 5 year old sewer?" Of course I said yes, because I don't know of any other 5 years olds who can sew.
She decided she wanted to do more, and seriously, I was thrilled! We went to the fabric store and she picked out a few patterns that were "easy" level. Then she saw this simplicity pattern that I had made a few animals from. She decided that she wanted to make the giraffe.
She picked out some scrap fabric that I had, and she ended up with LaLa (that's her giraffe's name). I cut LaLa out of the fabric, but Hannah did all the machine sewing with lots some guiding of her fingers by me. Hannah and I both stuffed LaLa, and I hand stitched her up.
I think LaLa turned out SUPER cute!
That is so awesome! I really should sit with my girls and try to sew something (even if my skill are very limited).
that is awesome! Savannah likes to help, but I've only let her press the pedal, never been brave enough to try more, maybe we should though. :)
I wore a hippy shirt to kindergarten that i sewed on an old push pedel machine. my mom helped cut it out and stood over me the whole time. I thought i was the only one taught that young.
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